Sunday, September 07, 2008

Duck T-shirts

Well i've been slack again, don't keep the blogs but hope everyone who is still blogging along is fine n dandy do.

Yesterday we were at a music festival in one of the town's pubs which ran all day. My partner happened to be wearing his Duckoat t-shirt and got chatting with the lead from the Guillemots. The whole duck bed/duck boat scenario was explained so we've fingers and guitar strings crossed that our randomness may end up in a lyric one day....I thinks we talk too much of duck boats and beds:>)
Take care


Susan as Herself said...

HAHA. I wil listed for that song on the radio!!! :D

fizzycat said...

You might get some shirts printed as merchandise. Nice to hear from you again.Facebook is mad, have been cajoled into joining the thing by my big sis so she can post photies and videos , loads of rellies on there, bizarre experience.Yes you could use a greenhouse in a flat , or just a little plastic cover thing for some windowsill lettuce, something like that.

Rick said...

This is my first time stopping by your blog, and I have no idea why I like it so much, unless it's because it's so much like visiting a friendly neighbor for coffee or tea. Loved reading your posts, and thanks for having the door open for new friends to stop by.