Sunday, October 12, 2008

The big white whail

Well that's what I could look like next June 13. Culfy and I are getting hitched. It's been a long and winding road (there's a song there?) but I won't bore you with the finer details. Hence why i've been off the blog. Work and life just get in the way sometimes with me and I tend to want and get on and do things rather than splurge good intentions here. Blow it I will splurge. It had to be done....Is it all about me?

I suppose like a lot of people when you grow up you think one day hopefully you'll get wed to the right person and all will fall into place. I'm now 'living the dream'. Is it quite what I expected. I don't know but i'm happy to be doing it and he's the 'right' man. It's all so full of cliches the whole planning thing and lots of people, work colleagues and friends want to know everything. Perhaps i'll make up some stuff to spruce the event up! Like having pink flamingoes and that gold helicopter. I really don't want to bore anyone lucky enough to stumble on this post but ...

I can't get over the hype and pomp that todays wedding are supposed to be like...well I should'nt look at wedding mags should I, they only give you silly ideas. I'm pleased to say i'm a romantic and love arty things but won't be demanding chair covers with themed colour bows!!!

Oh my what's the theme? eeek don't know yet, any suggestions gratefully received. Why does everything have to have a gimmick, can't people just show up, eat drink and be merry!

Wislon x


Gary's third pottery blog said...

Thanks for the visit and I shall look around here!!!!!!!!!

tornwordo said...

Congrats! When we did it, we just got married at the courthouse, and had a big party at our house after with champagne, food, cake and music. What else do you need?

fizzycat said...

Next post on blog will contain pumpkins -it may at be the weekend. Good luck with the wedding.

Snooze said...

Congratulations! That's wonderful happy news.

Susan as Herself said...

I have been to---and IN as a bridesmaid, etc---plenty of weddings, and I think the best ones are simple and meaningful. Sometimes folks go a bit nuts on the over-the-top choices with decor, location, food, etc. I say just pick things that are important to both of you and will be memorable in some way. even if it's just something like "we'll only have hydrangeas as the flowers because they remind me of home" or some such fact. Oh, and pick food and drink you like for the party afterwards. The party is the best part in my opinion!!! :) And take lots of pictures!

fizzycat said...

Just party on, its your day , don't let anyone else tell you what you should have, wedding wise.
Pumpkins have now appeared on blog.

Leigh Russell said...

No chair covers with theme coloured bows? Are you serious? what colour is theme? never heard of that one...

CONGRATULATIONS! Ditch all the stereotypes, and enjoy!

If you fancy a break from wedding magazines (moronic but strangely compulsive)check out my blog. Exciting developments! Not as exciting as your news, I have to admit...

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Cheers everyone for dropping by and giving me some great tips and meaningful advice x

Leigh Russell said...

As if you needed advice! I wish you every happiness.