Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Use your cranium

That was the game we played Saturday night when my friends came over for my flat warming. What a great game for getting people to use all of their senses in order to mime, mould playdough and humm tunes. I was so bad at guessing the mimes, I could remember famous faces but their names were lost in my bonce somewhere. I was better at humming a tune, I think women tend to have a higher pitch so it was easier to pick up the tune. I also loved moulding the playdough- this could be a new fettish though as most things looked phallic!Humpty Dumpty and forming pigtails all prooved amusing- how are you supposed to mould a playground in 2 mins!.. it's a case of you'd had to have been there

Watching cavy and Adie immitate a computer virus was hilarious, they ended up doing mirror image impersonations without realising- iit looked semi-surreal almost dada. A game i'd recommend to anyone to liven up the evening.

It was great to unwind after rushing about in the day getting stufff over from folks, well a few picnic chairs and table, my flat is somewhat sofaless...ah well in time maybe...also I was a bit of a stress head, unfortunatley I have patience with my dad but bless him he over worries and goes on about things. I wish he could chill out more, i'm learning to.

More tales from the Playhouse, last night a bloke half my size failed to lift me up for a hanging scene (he was pretending to measure me up..nice... well I was standing in again for the actress and she's lighter than me, good job I wasn't too sensitive when cap man (that's what I call him) said there was no way he could lift me when he can't even lift the sleeker lady. I told him I could pick him up easily though, I could've done an Arnie and sent him into next week...atleast I didn't have to chase after him and his whirligiggs again!!!


tornwordo said...

Happy flatwarming! That game is quite fun, right up there with Taboo. I'm sure there was some major laughter.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Major hilarity all round :>)

Yet to play taboo! sounds like a similar game I've played where people get to guess your reactions to things. I can't remember what is was called- or is your taboo more racy?

Anonymous said...

Which WIMP of a man couldn't pick up a slip of a thing like you? Thats crazy. Someone should tell him to get a less physical hobby like needlepoint or collecting 'my little pony'

Nick Mazonowicz said...

He works in a bookshop; the booktrade is not noted for its masculine heroes; apart from Conan the Librarian of course.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Capman should lift a few more books as I reckon books helped me build up some muscle when I was a shelver in my uni library; :) - Conaness the librarianess! Imagine that film, people running scared of the fiesty librarian!

and that was a moment from Wislon's world!

Anonymous said...

He must work in the leaflet department of the bookshop. I bet he's wasted there and should be starring in 'Mr Muscle' adverts

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

oohh caustic!

Snooze said...

You should have thrown cap man. As for Cranium, I'm way too self conscious to play it. I hate the charades part. However, having joined a theatre group I imagine you'd be brilliant at that part.

Jay said...

That game can be dangerous - my mother titled Jason "the greatest hummer she's ever known" until we pointed out to her that this is not a very appropriate thing to say about her son in law. Not appropriate, but hilarious.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

snooze... theatre is prooving fun especially if I get to throw men :>)

Jay- oohh hilarious but what a giggle, I love it when my mum says things that are rude in our times and she doesn't realise it :>)