Monday, June 05, 2006

The love boat- pure cheese on a stick

Well almost..

I submersed myself in watching the Poseidon yesterday with the cavy. It didn't really fill us up with a deep sense of excitement and really float our boat!- How many watery takes on this one can I make?

The excitement came too early and then submerged into a caper which didn't really hold us! Kurt still looks good although he looked half a sleep, probably tired from all of the corridors and clambering about he had to do. I felt I was watching the Titanic again, I suppose everthing I saw in that film regarding special effects and large scale shots kept appearing in this film, okay it was a film about a disaster on a ship so what do I expect.... a few more shots of other people on board trying to escape, it wasn't pleasant to watch people frying and drowning but the film quickly focused on the small group who you could guess were going to be the only ones to try and make it and then it was a case of guess which ones aren't going to make it. It was almost comical.

I also felt I was watching scenes from the Towering Inferno probably because I stayed up to watch that old film the night before the Poseidon, as you can tell this weekend I was in the mood for disaster flicks. Inferno was pure cheese- but Newman and McQueen were A class cheese. I say cheese because these films always remind me of the Love Boat and shows like Knots Landing where actors tend to look either stunned or have toothy smiles and the same extras keep walking behind the main leading actors.


tornwordo said...

B disaster movies were the best (or worst, depending on your pov) and I don't want to see Poseidon, becasue the Poseidon Adventure was one of the greatest disaster flicks. I liked the towering inferno too and earthquake but then Star Wars came along and the genre was dead. Until.....

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

I need to watch the original Poseidon too :>)

Is Earthquake the one with Charlton Heston and there is water flume type scene at the end of the film??

Anonymous said...

I saw the original poseidon when I was about 9. I liked it at the time but don't think I'll be rushing out to watch the remake, think they should come up with some new ideas.