Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Breakfast at Wislon's

Gaawd I sounded depressed in my last entry so to cheer things up I'm going to have a soiree this weekend.

I'm thinking Breakfast at Tiffany's but alas I don't have the cat, the posh stand on its own hair do, a long cigarette holder, the eccentric Mickey Rooney neighbour (or maybe I haven't met him yet) andTiffany's,. Oh and the quick fire escape to visit my sauve young cad.

What I do have is some lurrvely friends and someone sauve :>)!! aaawwwww and some pringles!


Nick Mazonowicz said...

Well, I'll try to be Gregory Peck in Breakfast at Tiffany's; but I'm sure I'll just end up as Gregory Peck in the A-Team

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Well you can be Gregory Peck because he was swoonsome too but George Peppard was the main man in Tiff's, no worries you can be em all x :>)

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

The A-Team was cccccool. I just loved BA's awkwardness or was that just BA's Baaad acting

Anonymous said...

Nothing beats a soiree.

I think I need one as well.

Anonymous said...

Nothing beats a soiree.

I think I need one as well.

Jay said...

I've never seen that movie. The rental places around here don't even stock it anymore. I've read the book of course, but that means the Mickey Rooney thing is lost on me.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

I've never read the book so you're probably more up on it than me, i've the screen play by Capote to read sometime.
Miss Jay shame rentals don't go in for the oldie movies and just tend to stock new ones.

buffy- go forth and soiree! :>)

Snooze said...

Have a fab time at your soiree! Just keep the drinks flowing and everyone will have a good time.