Thursday, May 25, 2006

Come and have a go

Last night was a whole lot more fun at the theatre than Monday- hooray!

As one of the women actors didn't show I got to play her fiesty onvict role. The play is all about convicts who were sent over to Australia back in 1798 to start a new colony. Liz the character I played was up for hanging so her tough mentality and hard knock ways were fun to create. I got to crapple with a woman, cavy and go after a man's whirligiggs- well I'll leave that to you to guess what they are.


tornwordo said...

Sounds fun. I'm guessing curls of hair?

Anonymous said...

Methinks Wislon would secretly like to jump out of her shell and into the limelight! Go forth and shine

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Tornwordo- you're getting warmer:>)

Lassy and anon- maybe one day i'll push for a part again, I need to pole volt out of my shell! :>)

Nick Mazonowicz said...

I'm guessing curls of hair?

Oh my dear boy, how wrong you could be. To give you a clue, Wislon's definitely got me by the whirligigs.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

By the whirligigs...sounds painful!