Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Uptown girl

Well i've moved into my new abode, quite a change for me as i've left living with the parents at long last, not that I was there much anyway. I'm now an official towny, close to a few decent pubs and friends so that's great and to work too, no excuse now for being late in :>).

Neighbours seem ever so quiet, I think my flat was making the most noise at the weekend, with moving and Cavy practising his theatrics....lines for his next play.
I miss noise and really notice how quiet the flat and close is, i'll soon be moaning though if I have noisy neighbours.

My friend once had a psycho neighbour who played the same Janet Jackson song over and over every day! Was the choice of artist disturbing or the fact that he repeatedly played the same song?

Back on moving, i've heard it can be one of the most stressful things to do in life and I think my parents bore the brunt of my moody blues Saturday as they can be quite overbearing and over protective-but I really appreciate all that they've done for me and out up with. Unfortunately some of the stress came out last night after being at the Playhouse theatre. I find it hard to make my presence known there as I'm prompt and Prod Secretary for the current play and member of the group. I tend to be a listener, a quiet person in large groups and tend to be more of a mouse amongst the strong willful souls who go there to perform therefore I step further back into my shell. I get over sensitive and let small things cloud my judgement as I worry that'll offend someone if I become more out spoken and self confident. This has to change if I'm ever to make an impact at the theatre and in life in general afterall if it's my free time and voluntary, I should be enjoying it.

That old chestnut, it's never too late to change if you want to,
Onwards and sideways, sorry to grumble but feel better for unleashing more of the real wislon.


tornwordo said...

Moving out of my folks' house was the real beginning of life! Congrats!

The Wisdom of Wislon said...
