Monday, April 07, 2008

Whatever will be will - Ta ta

Blog oblivion is where Wislon has been for a while.

It's nice to see everyone's still keeping their end up:>) so to speak.

I've not done anything to report really other watch alot of The Sheild, Tales of the Unexpected and wait for nearest and dearest to have babies! I could whinge on about alot of things but that would be boring. Thanks to all of you who have dropped by my site and given me great tips on things, have provided plenty of blog inspiration and get up and go. I may drop a comment on yours now and again and I may get mine going again but for now this is Wislon signing off. x


fizzycat said...

Love tales of the unexpected. Bit like where our frogs are going to produce their eggs this year. Thanks for comment. Had to make comments form a bit more secure due to spam posts. Yes I have trouble sometimes getting the word thing to work too. Anyway whatever you do, have fun, take care, Fizz.

Susan as Herself said...

Glad you are well--- sometimes real life takes center stage and blogging is pushed aside. No worries! :)

Leigh Russell said...

Go on - have a whinge!