Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A bit of a blather about nothing in particular

It was good to wake up to some happy faces on the BBC news this morning. Great news about Obama, I wish the euphoria transported itself over the pond to the UK. Not so much as a whisper or tittle about the news at work today, only until I mentioned it to my good friend who is genuinely enthusiastic about most things in life. Work people are just so involved with work most days that life outside doesn't have time to be mentioned....which is a shame.

Saw the new Bond film. We were a bit miffed. High expectations lead us to want this movie to be even better than Casino Royale. Alas Bond was too much of a serious man in this one with not enough fun about him. Won't stop me watching the next one though. Other favorite Bonds, From Russia with love and Her Magisty's Secret Service.

Good to see friends at the weekend. They were a tonic, always a good laugh to be had and the Drambuie was an added bonus. Already talks of New Year and fortunately we'll spend it with them. Having a liking for the theatrical we started playing around with ideas for a party. From Victorian socks, Twenties and circus, my friend Jen is a gem for getting us inspired in the fun things in life unlike life at work.

Seeing the comedian Dylan Moran tomorrow! It's all go...


Susan as Herself said...

Those all sound like very fun party ideas!

And yes, work can be a drag--I know the feeling... it's best to have a full life outside of the job so you have balance.

Elation over Obama is everywhere here. It's a joy to see people so happy after such a long time of frustration and anger and worry. I think a new day is dawning!

Nick Mazonowicz said...

Talking about Obama would actually mean people taking an interest in American politics, let's face it most of the time, people can't be bothered to take an interest in British politics.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

yeah i'm with you Culf