Finally I've now entered the 21st century with a tree trunk. A momentous day in the land of blog as I can now reach out into net space from the comfort of my own chair with a cuppa in hand. Enough of this drivel.
Creatively speaking I should really get on with constructing a painting of Charles II for the play Playhouse Creatures i'm helping with but the draw of the net is just too temptingly dangerous.
So what's best on the net?
Answers via carrier pigeons please.
Wislon :>)
Carrier pigeon masquerading as a blog comment here ... I have to know: did you carve a chair out of your tree trunk???
In all your reading, do you ever read crime thrillers? My publisher describes my work as "seriousl creepy" which amuses my family as in real life I must be the least creepy person you could wish to meet!
A tree trunk chair would've been handy in stead of balancing myself against gravity!
I'm not a great reader but my partner is and I will keep an eye out for yours.
Hi thanks for the comment on blog Fizzy's happy crafting world. Good luck with the tree and painting.Your cavy friend is gorgeous, too.
A whole forest where trees grow sideways! You must tell me where this is. Sorry, fresh out of pigeons at the mo. Take a cable?
Faxes, cables, paper aeroplanes will do:>)
The trees are in a place called Leckhampton Hill not far from where we live, we made a spoof film about that too which has yet to be released :>)
nice to be blogging again
I just SPOKE to my editor!!!! You are the first person to know this. I've just come off the phone. From speaking to THE EDITOR!!! Someone pour me a stiff whiskey (Idon't drink whiskey, but it seemed an appropriate response to this terrifying experience!!!) Actually, she was amazing and lovely. In case you're wondering who "she" is, I'm referring to my EDITOR!!! You can tell I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with excitement by this whole experience. I have an editor!!! I am an author!!! I'll let you know when the book's out there. Love to hear what you think of it. The publisher is No Exit Press and you can check out my book (my book!!!) on their website www.noexit.co.uk
Thanks for comments.Yes watched one very good (vids).On silly dialup currently so the sun and moon passed by while I watched it but yes will watch more when converted to broadband.
Hi Wisdom
Thank you for visiting my publisher's website and checking out the cover of my book. I've answered your comments in more detail on my blog as I'd love to hear from anyone else who's been kind enough to take a look at the cover.
Thanks again, blogbuddy.
Good to hear that you are busy on another play.
Also, I like the photo! :)
I posted the cover design for my new book on my blog and wondered what you think of it?
Hope your new job is going well. The art deco cinema sounds fab.
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