Monday, June 25, 2007

33 more boring things you never wanted to know :>)

1. What time is it? sometime in the afternoon

2. What are your full names? Wislon of Wisdom!

3. What are you most afraid of: the horrible things in life, who isn't

4. Place of birth? average town England otherwise known as Swindon

5. Favourite food? Veggie Biriyani

6. Your natural hair colour? brown, always has been, yet to dye it pink or blond
7. Have you travelled? only a bit, Poland here we come .....again

8. Do you scrunch or fold (toilet paper)? does it matter..I make origami with it

9. Love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10. Been in a car accident? prangs

11. BMW or Mercedes Benz - both?

12. Favourite day of the week? Friday hometime

13. Favourite Restaurant? the Indus an Indian place

14. Favourite Flower? red rose

15. Favourite sport to watch? gymnastics, not into watching sports, have done ths qu's before

16. Favourite Drink? Baileys

17. Favourite ice cream? cocconut from a posho Italian place off Caranaby St London

18. Disney or Warner Brothers? both

19. Favourite fast food restaurant? Pizza Hut, does that count for the buffet?

20. What colour is your bedroom carpet? reddish

21. How many times you failed your driver's test? nil

22. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? can't remember
23. What do you do most often when you are bored? watch a film/ telly prog

24. Bedtime? already?

25. What means the most to you? being ok and happy and my close ones too

26. Favourite TV shows? The Shield, The Sweeney

27. Dating MALES or FEMALES- what's that? ;>) haven't done that for a while

28. Left or Right? don't mind

29. What is your favourite colour? red

30. How many pets do you have? None yet
31. Which came first the chicken or the egg? the chicken
32. What would you most like to achieve before you die? Sell a painting!:>)

33. What is your star Sign: Pisces can't you tell


Susan as Herself said...

Mmmmm. Indian food is my favorite too.

Snooze said...

I am on board with the Indian food and also with the coconut icecream

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Let's all go for a curry then :>)

Jake said...

Indus is my favourite Indian! Blue carpet and fish tanks.

Noticed you like Frenchman's Creek on your profile. I think we need a chat. You have very good taste!