Friday, July 07, 2006

The Sound of Silence

We had a two minute silence at work for the July 7 London Bombing victims today. A tanoy announcement went out but some people didn't hear it or were on the phone so the silence was broken by typing clatter, chat and obliviousness.

I discussed this with a friend as we vented a quick rant about the lack of respect shown but we felt a definate move to a certain place so people would be made more aware and had the choice to take part in a united silence would be better than sitting at desks.

rant over

hope for peace


Anonymous said...

I think its a good idea to take two minutes out, to have a good think about things. People need to realise that the world is bigger than their little lives!

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

here, here

You should be a Politician :>)

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

I suppose it's up to you if you want to jump off the hurly burly speed wagon of life, sorry rambling slightly off the point now but we're all in such a rush to do things all of the time.