Monday, July 17, 2006

Happenings around town

Saw a huge billowing black smoke-ball earlier, apparently workmen were tarring a roof in our shopping centre and it went up like a bomb, first concerns from people I heard were- that's not my house is it- I too thought the very same as I live in its general direction. Hopefully no one was hurt , yet to find out more in the local rag.
More happenings, I've been having a homeless guy shelter in the flats where I live. Seems that I'm the only one in the block to be quite concerned for my safety and the homeless guys well being.

The Police are on the case and it was a comical moment last night when 2 lady officers turned up at mine and I was slightly tipsey. Up to this point I've probably sounded quite serious on the phone regarding the situation and then they show up when I'm not on my best.

aaahhhhhhh wwwweeelll ooffiicer.. dibble


Snooze said...

ooh - that sounds quite alarming. How nice of you to think of the homeless guy. So many wouldn't think or care about the homeless.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Haven't seen him for a few days maybe he's got some help but I expect he'll be back- it's just too hot in the flats I expect at the moment for him.