Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bloomin lovely

It's getting hot in here, I want to ........ :>)

So on the last count 3 close friends are expecting little arrivals late August/ beginning of September. One of them is suffering at night from not being able to turn, one is suffering aches at work and the other my pinky friend seems pretty chilled out and on top of her yoga ball :>)

All in all an exciting time for these friends amongst their discomforts. Well this blog is dedicated to all of my blooming friends. I haven't alot to report on me and all feels pretty insignificant, glad to be doing some arty things again and getting some juice flowing- well the whisky and beers are needed for inspiration..honest.

Off now into the sun


tornwordo said...

Are you teaching now? People were quite busy this winter weren't they? Happy weekend!

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

No, I haven't used my Tesol qualification yet, may do one day, glad I did the course as it made me realise I and can still study and even enjoy the process. At the moment i'm still in the same design assistant job, been with the company almost 5 years.

Maybe more of an arts based teaching will eventually be what I'll aim for.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the dedication, though I'm looking more and more like a yoga ball these days mmmmmmmm thorntons icecream :-)

Jay said...

Wow, don't drink the water!

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Yeah there's definately something in the water, so many girls at work are preggers too- suppose it's their age and the fact that more women than men work here.

Was frying at the weekend.