Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Dem bones, dem bones

My mum is worried she has the on set of Osteoporosis so I thought i'd look it up and as usual once you start delving into medical information you relate little aches and pains to yourself and start worrying that you're coming down with every kind of disease.

However I 've supposed to have maximised my peak bone mass by the end of my 20's and now into my 30's i'm supposed to maintain bone strength! As detailed below from the BBC health site.

Risk factors
The risk factors for osteoporosis include:

Getting older, although in some cases it can also affect children and adolescents.
Loss of oestrogen as a result of the menopause (especially early menopause), hysterectomy (especially if the ovaries are removed), infrequent periods (especially linked to anorexia or excessive exercise).
Long-term use of high-dose steroids.
Family history (ie, a genetic tendency).
Lack of exercise.
Excessive alcohol consumption.
Low testosterone levels in men.

Many people don't discover they have osteoporosis until they break a bone as the result of a relatively minor fall. Screening tests - usually involving a bone density scan - do exist, although you may have to pay for them privately.

The most important thing you can do to prevent osteoporosis developing is to keep your bones strong and healthy while you're young. The aim is to maximise peak bone mass, reached at the end of your 20s. If this is high, you'll have greater bone reserves to help you face the natural loss of ageing. If you're already in your 30s, the priority is to maintain bone strength.

This can be achieved through:

A calcium-rich diet.
Exercise, especially weight-bearing. Tennis players, for example, have a 30 per cent higher bone density in their serving arm than in their non-serving arm. Try running, cycling or bouncing on a trampoline for at least 30 minutes three times a week. Simply jumping up and down 50 times a day will keep your bones strong.

So I need to take up tennis, drink milk and jump about alot- okay I do one of those already but I think I need to get my trannies on and start working out- working out where to do my jumps without being noticed!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm Popeye the Sailor man

and I live in a caravan...

Today's top advise I received was to eat spinach to lose weight according to a GMTV presenter- it's the only way to go :>)

and apparently Kate Moss has some cellulite! Never! whatever, what does it matter if she does.

She has a long way to go before she wobbles like me ! ha ha ha ha

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Old head

I think i'm turning into grumpy old woman already!!! Well I found myself observing the behaviour of others last night at the Playhouse which was starting to peeve me off. For the fun and enjoyment of being involved with a show when you give up your time of an evening it'd be nice if others would pull their finger out and put in some effort to concentrate - oh and turn up, especially when its 5 weeks until the show.

Oh I'm really having a moan here. It's trivial I know but from prompting and being the occasional stand in which I enjoy doing because certain actors haven't turned up I wish they'd show a little more bother. Would help if the people in charge were a little more organised too.

Oh hum dee doo, feel better for a little off- load and it's not even time of the month- so I must be a grumpy old woman!

Moaning, groaning goldie x

Monday, June 19, 2006

May the force of Wislon be with you

I've done it, finally I've seen all three original Star Wars movies. We watched them in succession, well almost, I was too tired to watch the second and fell asleep, that may have been to do with the wine. I find I tend to fall asleep when the fast scenes of star ships are wizzing by, puts me into an automatic slumber. So Sunday we took up 2 and 3 so now i've taken to the Dark Side. Loved the Ewoks- I want one! I actually found these films quite amusing, I can see why Harrison went on to do what he has;- he seems to play his witty self in most. Or would you say sarchastic self?

I saw the later Lucas offerings and the first of these I missed most of it in the cinema as the heat was too much that I slumbered through that. Perhaps I need more Pro- plus before watching movies.

Next on the movie trail maybe the Raiders, Mad Max and re- watchings of the Lord of the Rings has been booked in!

Good to switch off from your everyday worries with a fillum.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


A little cooler yesterday on my trip to Oxford which just perfect. Saw and fed the duckies - they're our regular must do's! I know we're sad muppets but hey the ducks like us! Took in plenty of culture at the Bodlian Library, Science Museum and shops of course! The Cavy was as happy as a bee in Blackwells with his books!

Whenever we go to Oxford we feel enlightened to do something or study!- going around the Bodlian seeing those old books was inspiring. Also the The Lamb and Flag and Eagle and Child pubs where C.S Lewis and Tolkien used to hang out were so quaint. The 'inklings' as their group was known as used to frequent these two pubs to discuss their works. We wondered if a few blazing rows and intellectual brawls were started in the cute corners of these old pubs.

I love old dark musty pubs and the booze on tap was good too.

Whilst we were there it was funny to ear-wig on a guy of 21 yrs ( He said he felt old!! - oh my he's so young and he doesn't know it) trying to chat up a girl. It sounded like a formal interview. By the look of the girl's body language she didn't seem overly keen;- arms folded, no playing of her hair and a constant negative reply to his bubblyness- maybe it's a case of opposites attract here. We couldn't help hear them. His misjudgments I feel were in his constant references to being drunk, drinking and having a cool time- this didn't really pull the girl- be interesting to know what happens next- it was like a fly on the wall moment- bless em.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bloomin lovely

It's getting hot in here, I want to ........ :>)

So on the last count 3 close friends are expecting little arrivals late August/ beginning of September. One of them is suffering at night from not being able to turn, one is suffering aches at work and the other my pinky friend seems pretty chilled out and on top of her yoga ball :>)

All in all an exciting time for these friends amongst their discomforts. Well this blog is dedicated to all of my blooming friends. I haven't alot to report on me and all feels pretty insignificant, glad to be doing some arty things again and getting some juice flowing- well the whisky and beers are needed for inspiration..honest.

Off now into the sun

Monday, June 05, 2006

The love boat- pure cheese on a stick

Well almost..

I submersed myself in watching the Poseidon yesterday with the cavy. It didn't really fill us up with a deep sense of excitement and really float our boat!- How many watery takes on this one can I make?

The excitement came too early and then submerged into a caper which didn't really hold us! Kurt still looks good although he looked half a sleep, probably tired from all of the corridors and clambering about he had to do. I felt I was watching the Titanic again, I suppose everthing I saw in that film regarding special effects and large scale shots kept appearing in this film, okay it was a film about a disaster on a ship so what do I expect.... a few more shots of other people on board trying to escape, it wasn't pleasant to watch people frying and drowning but the film quickly focused on the small group who you could guess were going to be the only ones to try and make it and then it was a case of guess which ones aren't going to make it. It was almost comical.

I also felt I was watching scenes from the Towering Inferno probably because I stayed up to watch that old film the night before the Poseidon, as you can tell this weekend I was in the mood for disaster flicks. Inferno was pure cheese- but Newman and McQueen were A class cheese. I say cheese because these films always remind me of the Love Boat and shows like Knots Landing where actors tend to look either stunned or have toothy smiles and the same extras keep walking behind the main leading actors.