Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Old head

I think i'm turning into grumpy old woman already!!! Well I found myself observing the behaviour of others last night at the Playhouse which was starting to peeve me off. For the fun and enjoyment of being involved with a show when you give up your time of an evening it'd be nice if others would pull their finger out and put in some effort to concentrate - oh and turn up, especially when its 5 weeks until the show.

Oh I'm really having a moan here. It's trivial I know but from prompting and being the occasional stand in which I enjoy doing because certain actors haven't turned up I wish they'd show a little more bother. Would help if the people in charge were a little more organised too.

Oh hum dee doo, feel better for a little off- load and it's not even time of the month- so I must be a grumpy old woman!

Moaning, groaning goldie x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on that one Wislon, unreliable people do my head in ROAR!