Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Moody Maddy

I haven't had chance to get blogging recently, sorry I left you in mid air... so the hag do, well it wasn't much cop really as the Cavy didn't feel well and we were sat with the terrible two. So glad I had my friend Sarah next to me or else I'd have gone insane in the membrane. The sisters of the bride to be's groom were just annoying and rude, to us and the waiters..fffhh to them with knobs on :>) I don't like ignorant people and I certainly don't like enduring something and then to part with hard earned cash at all altogether rum do of a time. Roll on the next happy festivity...
Well atleast I enjoyed this weekend, we managed to make our legs take us up the steep Leckhampton Hill out of town. Great views, fresh air, sheep, cows and aching feet, what more could a girl want... Oh best not forget our search for the pub that wasn't to be. Due to mis-juduging the positioning of a handwritten pub roadsign we nearly walked for miles in the wrong direction until we decided to turn back and realised the pub was back down the hill from where we came from..dduuurrrgghhh didn't we laugh.

More audience exploits tomorrow, off to watch QI with cavy and family to see the man himself Stephen Fry in London tomorrow should be fun...to be continued


tornwordo said...

I was wondering what had happened. Glad to hear all is relatively well. Cheers!

Snooze said...

Oh I hate listening to people who are rude to waitstaff. I'm sorry you had to endure that.

Anonymous said...

Apart from anything else being rude to waiters is not a good idea, they can do gross stuff to your food

Buffy said...

Cows and aching feet.

Sounds like home.

Jay said...

Good times, good times.