Friday, April 07, 2006


Miss Jay said...
I don't get it.

Sorry Jay I was a bit vague with the photo. Last week Cavy (orange he's been tangoed man)was in a play called The Son of Man, I was fortunate to take photos of the show although I didn't take this particular one and see the show a number of times. The gathered flock around Jesus were a friendly bunch.

anonymous.. yes I think that was a non-compliant jumpsuit, costumes ran out of decent Jesus follower gear so cavy had his own style to agitate in.- ps: are you Cavy's related other?

Torn- I know i'll be scanning pics left right and centre now

Obi- Alter Ego, Jesus does the beardy look very well ;) and so does the Cavy, alas it has since been removed.

I was off the planet yesterday, sorry off ill with a bad head cold but managed to go to my last part time English class, I shall miss it and the people. I have my moderation day tomorrow and the chance to say what I really think of the course and show off the buzz words I've learnt so far like drilliing (not of the teeth kind!) Looking forward to the fizz after!


tornwordo said...

Drilling. And I already forget the term where you get the students brainstorming about something before you get into the teaching bit.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Is that guided discovery??

Jay said...

Wow, you rock. Already I am clarified.

Nick Mazonowicz said...

Beard and Hair now vanished I'm pleased to say.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

My parents were sad to hear the beard and hair had gone, think they like the 70's look ;>) takes them back