Thursday, March 02, 2006

Blood suckers

I'm living in the wrong country!

Tomorrow I'm going to spend my Friday evening stretched out with a needle in my arm. Like that's a change from the norm! ;-)

Well I'm going to give up a pint of my best. I haven't done it for ages and the National Blood Service keep sending me letters and I received a call from them just this week so I thought i'd do my bit for supplies and feel less guilty about putting it off.

Apparently according to my friend, (R Sarah) if I was in Ireland I'd get a pint of guiness and 2 pencils for my efforts, over here in England you get a cuppa and biccies which is better than a kick in the teeth, but I do feel the Irish get a little more for their efforts. Next time I'll fly over to Ireland and merrily give up 5 pints of blood in exchange for some of Irelands best! ;-)


EssentialStephen said...

We're lucky to get a chocolate chip cookie [oatmeal if they are being cheap] here in Canada. But it's not like I can donate anyways - if you're gay you are automatically not allowed. You think that might be a bit too much of a stereotype that all gay people have AIDS???

tornwordo said...

Just ask for extra (whatever cuppa and biccies are - juice and cookies maybe?) when you get done, moan a little, get your blood's worth, lol.

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Yeah essential it's unfair.
Before donating you have to read through a heap of info and really know about your partner's history.