Monday, November 12, 2007

Bows n arrows and naked bits

Going to have to don a hard hat tomorrow night as we nearly got hit by some arrows tonight in the wings; if the flashing of naked bossoms wasn't enough to contend with backstage :>)

First act tech went well although cast were slightly concerned that a full run hadn't been in tended, that's been cleared up and we're doing the full dress run through tomorrow eve before first night on Wednesday. The usual moans and panic attacks went on tonight, it's always the same and it wouldn't be the same without pre-show panics ...atleast this time I was the calm one..

A few more snaps inbetween the run throughs.


Middle Ditch said...

It sounds so much fun! Flying arrows and naked bossoms! What a wonderful job you have.

fizzycat said...

Flying arrows and naked bosoms is this a Robin Hood film I have missed. You need a shield as well by the sound of it. Yes that woman and the cotton wool I suspect she eats it or hides them away as you don't see them binned later on.Why she does not bring her own is beyond me.

Susan as Herself said...

Sounds like it going well, all in all.

The rehearsal pics are fun to see!

Once I am settled in the condo I will have to get my camera act together!

Nick Mazonowicz said...

Meanwhile, I get to stay at home playing with 'puter.

flyinamber said...

it sounds you have fun!
tnx for stopping by my blog again..I'm late with my works,but the skirt is finally finished,you can take a look..and I hope the painting will be finished soon..since maonday evening I have a new pet I wished a lon time ago-one ferret..