Friday, April 13, 2007

Pay kids to learn!

Yes you read that correctly!! Deary me now in order for more pupils to take up Science and Technology subjects at school a new idea is to pay them to do so. So am I wrong or is this weird and have school ideals gone out the window? I assume it's the government who are worried that less and less people are attracted towards Science subjects and take up Science based careers. whatever happened to liking a subject for waht it is or attracting childern to Science through silly fun experiments, mess and explosions. I can still smell the bunsen burner gas now. Children now are known as consumers of Education it seems not as learners. Also naughty pupils will soon be given ipods for improved behaviour.

I don't undertand the ethics of schools, do you?

answers on a slate please.

1 comment:

Jake said...

I know to think we could have earned good money for dull lessons. The world had gone mad!