Saturday, March 24, 2007

Last night tonight

So far we had 31 people on first night, Thursday 80 something and last night 98- this may not seem like wowser numbers but we can only seat 200 I think.

We've just received a really good write-up from our local newspaper The Echo so that may bring in some more for tonight, haven't yet read the article but cavy Director said the write-up said - 'it was grim but absorbing', something about the simple set fixed the attention of the audience on the actors, that's what we aimed for so all good!

This week i've learnt to do scars, wounds and 5 o'clock shadow as well as help keep things running smoothly as possible backstage without getting trapped by the bed in the scene dock too many times. Let's just say things can move quickly and you have to be a bit nimble at times with heavy furniture, so far my back's been okay- bet I feel it next week when we've stopped and nowt to do :>) This play has filled my head this week, even wake up thinking about it or the things I need to do for it. So I think Sunday night- need to chill:>) think we're going to miss the buzz as it's been the most challenigng play i've helped with and the most effort I've put in to a play over the last year, well when your partner's involved heavily you do what you can.


Snooze said...

Glad it's going well! I think you're right that your back may rebel once all the excitement's over.

Jay said...

I'm glad people are getting out to see it. If it's good, word of mouth will bring you new spectators, and it sounds like it is.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! And good reviews too boot! Keep up the good word!