Thursday, July 06, 2006

Tantrums and tiara's

Hooray the heavens have opened but alas flooding is not good.

By the by last night's hot n stickyness didn't help the actors I was promptng for. The show- Our Country's Good-(aka alright) has only two weeks to go before the show.

Observer me got to witness tantrums and tiaras for one actor through a well justified strop for he'd acted everyone else's part for those who didn't turn up and never got to do his bit. Unfortunately his strop on fuelled the director's anger and he threw a wobbly- and doesn't know why he bothers so. I escaped the roth and left quickly....A typical night at the Playhouse. Every show i've helped on there's always a low patch everyone goes through.

Here's to tantrums and tiara's! Hopefully I won't drop a hissy fit.


Anonymous said...

You shoud throw a hissy fit, suprise them all !

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

Wonder if i'd get a tantrum tiara if I throw one giant hissy fit (I'm sure thre's one lurking in the props cupboard) I think my system could do with one :>). Actually I'm time of the month at the mo so look out lovies I may just have a rant at you for being so downright poncy. Just get on with it.