Wednesday, June 14, 2006


A little cooler yesterday on my trip to Oxford which just perfect. Saw and fed the duckies - they're our regular must do's! I know we're sad muppets but hey the ducks like us! Took in plenty of culture at the Bodlian Library, Science Museum and shops of course! The Cavy was as happy as a bee in Blackwells with his books!

Whenever we go to Oxford we feel enlightened to do something or study!- going around the Bodlian seeing those old books was inspiring. Also the The Lamb and Flag and Eagle and Child pubs where C.S Lewis and Tolkien used to hang out were so quaint. The 'inklings' as their group was known as used to frequent these two pubs to discuss their works. We wondered if a few blazing rows and intellectual brawls were started in the cute corners of these old pubs.

I love old dark musty pubs and the booze on tap was good too.

Whilst we were there it was funny to ear-wig on a guy of 21 yrs ( He said he felt old!! - oh my he's so young and he doesn't know it) trying to chat up a girl. It sounded like a formal interview. By the look of the girl's body language she didn't seem overly keen;- arms folded, no playing of her hair and a constant negative reply to his bubblyness- maybe it's a case of opposites attract here. We couldn't help hear them. His misjudgments I feel were in his constant references to being drunk, drinking and having a cool time- this didn't really pull the girl- be interesting to know what happens next- it was like a fly on the wall moment- bless em.


tornwordo said...

I think we call it a dive bar here. I love dive bars.

Anonymous said...

Perfect- people watching is a pastime of mine too! Also check out the arty little cinema- think its called the phoenix, up by the ashmolean museum

The Wisdom of Wislon said...

I've been there too for my b'day, saw the film Capote- loved the film and the cinema.